Education at GMU

Gdynia Maritime University (GMU) is the biggest maritime university in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe. The University offers undergraduate engineering and master’s degrees for prospective merchant marine officers, as well as engineering and managerial personnel for the maritime industry. The University provides education on full-time and part-time degree programmespostgraduate diplomas, as well as specialist courses, including qualification upgrading courses for seagoing officers and land-based specialists, and professional certification courses.

GMU is home to five dynamically developing faculties: Electrical Engineering, Marine Engineering, Navigation, Management and Quality Science, and Computer Science. Between them, the faculties conduct scientific research and provide education in 11 academic fields of study, both marine and land-based. 

Gdynia Maritime University students are taught by highly qualified teams of expert academic teachers, guaranteeing the highest standards of education.

The University has the powers to award doctoral/postdoctoral degrees in the following disciplines:

post-doctoral level:

  • Engineering and Technology - Automation, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering and Technology - Civil Engineering and Transport
  • Social Sciences - Management and Quality Science
  • Natural Sciences - Earth and Related Environmental Sciences

doctoral level:

  • Engineering and Technology - Automation, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering and Technology - Civil Engineering and Transport
  • Social Sciences - Management and Quality Studies
  • Natural Sciences - Earth and Related Environmental Sciences

GMU adheres to international requirements set out in the STCW Convention on the training of merchant marine officers and employs a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 norms in all its activities. GMU is also a member of the prestigious International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU).

Gdynia Maritime University makes every effort to ensure that all students get the best out of the time they spend with us and consider the education and experience they gain as inspiring and useful in every way.


Download our study guide for detailed and useful information for international students and applicants.
