EU funding for GMU and the Maritime Institute

Gdynia Maritime University has received funding to the value of 6m PLN from the Ministry of Education and Science towards the process of consolidation of the University and the Maritime Institute.

The grant project concerns the incorporation of the Maritime Institute in Gdansk into the structure of the Gdynia Maritime University, a process that began on 1st October 2019. The project aims to increase the competitiveness of higher education by carrying out tasks related to the consolidation process.

Implementation of the project is the responsibility of a team lead by GMU Prof. Macieja Matczak and made up of staff representatives of the Rectorate, deputy rectors, faculties, the Maritime Institute, as well as the University’s administrational units.                

The grant will allow the University to cover the costs incurred in preparation for the integration process, finance activities carried out during the incorporation of the Institute into GMU’s structure, as well as implement the next stage of the project that involves activities aimed at the organisational and scientific integration of individual University units.  

Of particular significance is the integration and development of the ERP IT systems which will allow for the complete coordination of matters of finance, accounting, HR and project management.  n terms of the scientific integration of University units, there are plans to develop new GMU research and implementation services which will benefit from the capabilities and competencies of the Maritime Institute, as well as the program of student apprenticeships and internships currently conducted in the certified laboratories on campus. The project also aims to provide support for the creation of the University’s new degree programme in Offshore Wind Energy, including the development of a navigation simulator that will allow students to be trained in offshore units used in the process of construction and maintenance of offshore wind farms.

The project entitled Support for the University Consolidation Process nr POWER.03.04.00-00-P005/17, part of the Operational Program - Knowledge, Education, and Development for the period 2014-2020, is co-financed by the European Social Fund. The funds awarded to Gdynia Maritime University amount to a total of 6,152,987.67 PLN and represent 100 per cent of the total eligible costs of the project, consisting of 84.28% from EU funds and 15.72 per cent from state funds.

Providing entity: 

GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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