Offshore Wind Energy Competence Centre under Development

The representatives of company's and institutes connected with the offshore wind industry met at GMU yesterday, Monday 6th December, to discuss ideas for a Pomeranian Offshore Wind Energy Competence Centre. 

Held in the laboratory of the Department of Ship Power Engineering, the meeting was attended by the mayor of Rumia, the head of the Lębork district, and representatives of the Marshall's Office, PKN Orlen, PGE Baltica, RWE, PRS, Remontowa Electrical Solution, Gdańsk Remontowa Shiprepair Yard, Rumia Invest Park, Poelergia, and CEE Energy Group.

After warmly welcoming the guests to the University, GMU Rector Professor Adam Weintrit and Deputy Rector for Education, Dr Sambor Guze said a few words about the University before introducing the guests to the recently formed GMU Offshore Wind Energy Centre. The Deputy Rector for Cooperation and development, Professor Tomasz Tarasiuk, then presented the idea behind the modelling and simulation laboratory developed with Remontowa Electrical Solutions. 

Following the presentations, a discussion took place in the form of a brainstorm on the new Competence Centre.

The guests also visited the renewable and dissipated energy laboratory, as well as the optoelectronic, photovoltaic and fibre optic laboratories.

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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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