South Africa Ambassador Visits GMU

HM Rector Professor Adam Weintrit met with the newly accredited ambassador of South Africa, Ms Nomvula Mngomezulu, yesterday as part of her visit to Tricity on 17th and 18th of November.

The meeting saw discussions on the possibilities for young South Africans to gain a maritime education at Gdynia Maritime University’s faculties of navigation and mechanical engineering. The education of maritime personnel would prepare the country of some 2,500km of coastline for the efficient management of its national fleet.

Also mentioned was the opportunity for young mariners to gain practical experience onboard the University’s training vessels. The University has also offered its support for South Africa’s plans to rebuild its fleet.

The delegation comprised Ambassador Nomvula Mngomezulu, Policy Adviser Daniel Stemmer, and the Financial Adviser to the South African Embassy, Tadeusz Kopowski.

The University was represented by Rector Professor Adam Weintrit, Deputy Rector for Science Dr Dariusz Barbucha, and Deputy Rector for Education Dr Sambor Guze.

During her stay in the Tricity area, the Ambassador will also visit the local shipyards and the world-class ship design office.

The visit of the South Africa delegation to Poland precedes a meeting of the country’s presidents planned for the beginning of next year.

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