University Professor, Dr Krzysztof Czaplewski, Made IAIN President

GMU Associate Professor and Chair of the Polish Navigation Forum Krzysztof Czaplewski has been elected President of the International Association of Institutes of Navigation for the term 2021-2024. 

Other officials elected during the triennial conference of the IAIN ( is external)) include:

Zhang Baochen (CIN) - Senior Vice President; Salvatore Gaglione (IIN) and Aiden Morrison (NNF) - Vice Presidents, Hesham Hell (AIN) - Secretary-General, and Tom Willems (NIN) - Treasurer. The outgoing president of the Association was John Pottle (RIN).

Discussions at the conference centered on:

strategy for the term 2021-2024,

confirmation of spending for the years 2018-2021 and establishment of a final plan for the term,

summary of the work of Association representatives to the CAO, ICG (UNOOSA), IHO, IMO, ITU and the US PNT Advisory Board.

The remote meeting also saw the announcement of the John Harrison Award for Professor Terry Moore from RIN and the Necho Award for Professor Böjre Forssell from NNF.

Notable persons for the Association granted honorary membership were Professor Terry Moore (RIN), Professor Böjre Foresell (NNF), Professor Yasuo Arai (JIN), Ms. Aliene de Bievre (RIN).

During the conference, announcements were also made on the state of preparations for the 17th IAIN World Congress, which will be held in Peking in 2024. It was also decided that the 18th IAIN World Congress will be hosted by the Polish Navigation Forum in Cracow. The occasion will mark the first time the most important event of its size for the navigation community will take place in Poland.

The International Association of Institutes of Navigation (IAIN) is a non-profit organisation that brings together national and international institutes and organisations in support of activities on land, at sea, in the air and in space through the development and popularisation of navigational science and practices, and related information technologies. The members of the Association are 34 organisations from around the world. The IAIN has permanent representatives in the ICAO, ICG (UNOOSA), IHO, IMO, ITU and US PNT Advisory Board (one of the GPS governing bodies). The Association is the organiser of three-year international conventions, a practice which was begun in 1957 by the English, French and German navigation institutes. The development of cooperation between institutes around the world led to the formal establishment in 1975 of the International Association of Navigation Institutes.

One member of the Association is the Polish Navigation Forum ( is external), whose Chair, Krzysztof Czaplewski, was elected yesterday IAIN president.

Dr Czaplewski is a GMU Associate Professor, Chair of the Polish Navigation Forum (from 2014), and a member of the International Advisory Council of the PNT Foundation, Alexandria USA ( is external)). He also held the role of Chair of the Management Board of European Navigation Institutes ( is external)) in 2012-2015 and 2019-2021 and was vice-president of IAIN in 2018-2021. He is the first IAIN president from Eastern Europe since 1975.


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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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