GMU Open Day 2022 a Big Success

A show of “Cosmic” proportions in the planetarium, simulators, scientific circle presentations, engaging workshops and open laboratories, attended by 500 budding aspiring University students - this was the scene at the Gdynia Maritime University on 8th April for Open Day 2022.

Our guests were welcomed enthusiastically to the University by GMU mascot “Sea Dog Maciek”, who gladly posed for pictures. The soon-to-be secondary school graduates were given a taste of University life with lectures and workshops prepared for them by GMU teaching staff.

In the square at the front of the main building, two electric cars, a RIB and an impressive off-road Toyota Tundra were on show for all to see.

In the main T. Meissner hall, the Doctoral School, the School of Foreign Languages, Scientific Circles  Navigator, NKBP SeaQuest, Investor, IoTES, EVPL Electric Vehicles, Nautica, LoGiStiC, CARGO, e-biznesu, and the Association of Polish Electricians, all presented their activity.

Also specially organised on-site for our guests by the Faculty of Navigation were highly informative first aid demonstrations.

Every hour on the hour, the Deputy Rector for  Student Affairs, Dr Mirosław Czechowski,  gave a presentation on the education opportunities at the University as well as explaining the admissions process and entry requirements.

At the Faculty of Navigation, there was the opportunity to observe the skies during one of the shows in the Planetarium or have a go at steering a ship in the Faculty’s navigation bridge simulator.

Each visitor to the University on Open Day was given GMU memorabilia and information materials and could take a souvenir photo in the photo booth provided for the occasion.

Held annually, open Day allows future applicants to get to know a uniformed university with a rich maritime history before the opening of admissions in the summer. It also provides the opportunity to talk to the University’s lecturers and students.

GMU accepts begins accepting applications each May from those who decide to apply.


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