GMU Staff Attend IMO Sub-Committee Sessions

University staff took part in 8 sessions of The International Maritime Institute’s Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) on 7th-11th February.

In attendance from GMU were:

Rector Professor Adam Weintrit,

Professor Sambor Guze Sambor Guze - the Deputy Rector for Education,

Dr and Radioelectronic Officer Karol Korcz – the Deputy Rector for Maritime Affairs and Promotion of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,

Dr and Master Mariner Przemysław Wilczyński – the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for STCW Affairs.

This year’s Subcommittee sessions took place in the form of video conferences and, besides the joint plenary sessions, engaged participants in three working groups on the following topics:

implementation of STCW Conventions,

a comprehensive review of the STCW-F Convention, 

the human element and maritime education,

The position of European Union member states in regards to these matters was also discussed during a specially organised consultation session.

The main topics on the agenda at this year’s HTW plenary session included:

role of the human element,

implementation of the STCW Convention,

a comprehensive review of the 1995 STCW-F Convention,

Drafting amendments to the STCW Convention and Code to allow and facilitate the use of electronic seafarers’ certificates and documents.

Develop measures to ensure the quality of training onboard a ship, as part of the sea-going service required by the STCW Convention,

Develop measures to facilitate the fulfilment of the mandatory sea-going service required by the provisions of the STCW Convention.

Also established were a work programme for the next two years and the draft agenda for the following 9 HTW sessions.



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