Professor Jurdziński Made Honorary Doctor of GMU

The title of Honorary Doctor of Gdynia Maritime University was conferred on Professor Mirosław Jurdziński, PhD(Eng), Master Mariner on Tuesday 21st June 2022 in a ceremony that added further splendour to the University’s celebrations of the 102nd anniversary of maritime education in Poland.                                                                                         

Under Resolution No 111/XVII of 31 March 2022 of the Senate of Gdynia Maritime University, for his extraordinary service to the foundation and development of maritime education in Poland, including his contribution to Gdynia Maritime University and significant contribution to the development of the Polish school of navigation, Professor Mirosław Jurdziński was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.

The ceremony began with a speech by HM Rector Professor Adam Weintrit, who spoke of the reasons for awarding the prestigious title to Professor Jurdziński. 

The Rector confirmed the support of three other universities for the award of the Honorary Doctorate: the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, Szczecin Maritime Academy, and the Gdansk University of Technology. The scientific and professional achievements of Professor Jurdziński were reviewed by Professor  Andrzej Zdzisław Felski, DSc(Eng) of the Polish Naval Academy; Professor   Stanisław Gucma, DSc(Eng), Master Mariner of Szczecin Maritime Academy, Professor Cezary Specht, DSc(Eng) of Gdynia Maritime University, and Roman Śmierzchalski of Gdansk University of Technology.

The laudation was delivered by Professor Piotr Jędrzejowicz, DSc:

- The title of Honorary Doctor is the greatest academic honour, awarded to prominent individuals for their meritorious service to the progress of science, culture, the economy, education, or society. This special distinction is given to persons of unquestionable authority and moral standing. Those honoured by the title of honorary doctor have the desire and strength to change the world around them; to make the world a better, richer, more interesting and valuable place. Without a doubt, one of these people is Professor Mirosław Jurdziński.

In summary of the laudation in which he described the life and scientific research activity of Professor Jurdziński, Professor Jędrzejowicz said:

- Professor Jurdziński is an institution, an extraordinary person, a phenomenal scientist and teacher. It is hard to find sufficient words of praise for the scientific work and professional and educational achievement of Professor Jurdziński because all that he has done does not fit into the tightly constructed frame of words and their associated meanings. After all, all of us here gathered today know and feel that we stand before the impressive achievements of a great man whose by his work has contributed more than many to the knowledge of the sea and maritime education in Poland and around the world.

After thanking Professor Jurdziński for his outstanding contribution to the development of the University, the Polish school of Navigation and Polish maritime education, Professor Jędrzejowicz handed the floor over to HM Rector of GMU, who read the act of the conferral of the title of Honorary Doctor of GMU.

The conferral of the title was followed by a lecture on the occasion by Professor Jurdziński. The host of the ceremony, Aleksander Gosk, informed those in attendance of letters of congratulations received in connection with the occasion, and also read letters received from the Marshal of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek and the Minister for Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek.

Also invited to take to the floor was the Rector of the Maritime Academy in Szczecin Wojciech Ślączka, DSc(Eng), Master Marine, Associate Professor, who noted that Professor Mirosław Jurdziński took his first steps at the Sczcecin Academy, before presenting Professor Jurdziński with a laudation and a picture to mark the occasion.

Minister and GMU alumni Marek Gróbarczyk also paid tribute to Professor Jurdziński and thank him for his inspiring lecture as well as his contribution to maritime education.

I would like to thank you Professor for your lecture, for all that you have contributed to maritime education, and youth development, and, above all, for your contribution to the development of our country, which is of special importance, particularly since much of what you created was during the post-war years when finding the way forward was of utmost difficulty. (…)I’d like to ask that you stay with us always, stay at the University and continue to teach and inspire us with your knowledge of navigation – the pearl of the maritime world. Thank you.  

Also addressing the room and Professor Jurdziński was Mayor of Gdynia Dr Wojciech Szczurek:

- The history of Gdynia, and especially the history of people connected with this University, is an extraordinary story. The sea has always had more to offer than a test of character, it is also a place that has attracted extraordinary people, people with passions, people of bravery and determination, who dared to change the world. Professor Jurdziński is undoubtedly such a person. I believe that not only his outstanding academic and research achievements, but also his extraordinary openness, warmth, kindness and understanding for all those with whom he has come into contact, is something all of you have had the opportunity to get to know, not only today but also over the years of his work. On behalf of all the residents of our city, I would like to extend my respect and gratitude for your achievements, which have contributed to the history of the Maritime University, an important part of maritime Poland and an important institution in the life of our city. I would like to thank you for your work, for your smile, for your warmth, and for everything you have done for the education of generations of maritime personnel in Poland. Professor, Gdynia honours your achievements, charm and character!

The conferral ceremony came to a close following the uncovering of the plaque with the names of the Honorary Doctors of Gdynia Maritime University in the main University hall.

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