Social Responsibility in Higher Education

Social Responsibility in Higher Education

The Social Responsibility in Higher Education Conference [Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Uczelni] took place yesterday, Thursday 2nd June, in Warsaw. The conference was organised by the Minister of Regional Funds and Policy. The event was attended by representatives of the academic and business communities. Representing GMU was the Deputy Rector for Education, Dr Sambor Guze.

The topic of the Conference was “Experiences, Practices and Challenges of Social Responsibility in Higher Education”. Other matters discussed included the Declaration of Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions and the impact of the working groups in this area. Examples were presented of the implementation of the principles of social responsibility in higher education, as well as a collection of Higher Education Good Practices in this respect from the previous year.

The universities that joined the Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions Declaration in 2017 presented their experience in the practice of implementing the principles of the Declaration, and since the social responsibility of universities includes both the cooperation of science with business and the training of business leaders, there was also a discussion on corporate responsibility in science and the development and technology.

At the end of the conference, the Declaration on the Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions was signed by 77 institutions. On behalf of Gdynia Maritime University, the Declaration was signed by the Deputy Rector for Education, Dr Sambor Guze.  

The last three declarations (2017, 2019 and 2022) have been signed by 160 centres of higher education.


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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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