GMU Young Scientists - Paweł Górecki, PhD(Eng)
In 2022, four staff members of Gdynia Maritime University received prestigious scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists with significant achievements in scientific activity. Agnieszka Lazarowska, PhD(Eng), Paweł Dąbrowski, PhD(Eng), Mariusz Specht, PhD(Eng), and Paweł Górecki, PhD(Eng) were included in a group of 215 young scientists from all over Poland who were awarded a scholarship. They are the first in the university's history to be awarded such scholarships.
In four separate editions, we bring you brief interviews with the award-winning members of GMU staff, conducted by Anna Błażejewska (A.B.) from the Department of Science, revealing their scientific interests, their road to success, as well as their interests outside of science.
The first to be published was an interview with Dr Agnieszka Lazarowska – Assistant Professor in the Department of Ship Automation, the second was with Dr Paweł Dąbrowski - Assistant Professor at the Department of Geodesy and Oceanography and this third interview is with Paweł Górecki - Assistant Professor in the Department of Maritime Electronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University.
A.B.: Please accept our sincerest congratulations on the award of a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists in the 17th edition of this competition. Tell me, what does it mean to you to receive this scholarship?
Thank you. Above all, the scholarship is a confirmation that my scientific career is progressing properly. But it also motivates me to continue my work and set further ambitious goals.
A.B.: This is not your first distinction, in 2020 you won the team award of the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation for scientific achievements, and in 2017 and 2018 the scholarships of the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, awarded to doctoral candidates for outstanding achievements. You have also been ranked twice in Stanford University's ranking of the World's Top 2% of Scientists in collaboration with Elsevier BV, for your scientific achievements in 2020 and 2021. These are very important distinctions.
Each of them was a milestone in my scientific career. However, of particular importance to me are the team awards, as they are a reminder that work of the highest level is impossible without a team of outstanding people, people who I meet at the University every day, starting with my closest collaborators, with whom discussions provide the best scientific ideas, through technical staff who take care of the research laboratories, to the building's service staff.
A.B.: We should also mention your other awards and distinctions: the Student Nobel 2016 competition in the field of science and technology, as well as the Red Rose Award for the Best Student of Pomerania (2016), the two scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements awarded to students (2013, 2014) and the Minister of Infrastructure and Development's scholarship (2015). You started out very early on your path to being a scientist. Where did such interest come from at such a young age?
That's true. My passion for science was instilled in me by others who believed in my potential. Every good word from my outstanding lecturers, Professor Witold Jerzego Stepowicza, Professor Piotr Dębicki, Professor Omelian Płachtyna, my thesis supervisor, and Professor Janusz Zarębski deepened my commitment and desire to improve my knowledge. Professor Janusz Zarębski asked two of my colleagues during my studies to get involved in the work carried out by his research team. My colleagues chose a different path of development, and thanks to the involvement of the nearest collaborators of Professor Zarębski, I developed a passion for science.
A.B.: You are involved in research on thermal phenomena in semiconductor elements. Could you identify the most important areas of your research? What exactly and to what purpose is your research?
In simpler terms, my research is on the increase in the temperature of semiconductor structures above the ambient temperature due to the energy emitted in them (self-heating) or the interactions between structures. Thermal phenomena are one of the biggest challenges for designers of modern electronic circuits. First of all, due to the fact that the higher the temperature of the component, the shorter the time of fault-free operation. This is also an obstacle in the miniaturisation of electronic circuits as if the elements are close together, their temperature, due to their thermal interactions, is greater than if they were further apart. I am currently focusing on two issues: mathematical modelling of these phenomena in such a way that it is possible to calculate the temperature of each of the elements of the circuit - using only the data of the catalogue elements and as quickly as possible, whilst maintaining the high accuracy of calculations - and the development of solders that allow for more effective removal of the heat from the semiconductor elements than those available on the market.
A.B.: The IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) is a bipolar transistor with an isolated gate, a semiconductor element of power used in energy electronic converters with up to a few hundred kilowatts of power. Is that the correct term? What kind of specialist apparatus is required to conduct the research? I treat electricity with great respect. Does it require extreme cautionary measures to conduct tests using potentially dangerous high voltages?
Yes, it is the correct term, although I must admit that it is rare because, in electronics, the names of elements are rarely used. We normally use the English acronyms. As for the apparatus, it would be impossible to name them all: oscilloscopes, voltage and current probes, thermal imaging cameras, multimeters, power and load analysers…equipping an electronic power research laboratory is a costly process. I appreciate the fact that, thanks to a team effort to gain funds, I can use advanced research equipment on a daily basis. Indeed, working with electronic power converters requires caution. There is a good reason why it is recommended that another person be present in the room during research.
A.B.: Photovoltaic panels are a popular topic at the moment. Do the results of your research have an effect on improving the efficiency of photovoltaic installations that convert solar energy into electricity? Or perhaps serve other purposes? What might they be?
Sadly, I will have to disappoint readers here - finding ways to improve the efficiency of modern photovoltaic systems based on silicon photovoltaic cells is as likely as finding the Philosopher's Stone. The panels currently used are so close to the Shockley-Queisser mathematical barrier that any attempt to further improve them is economically irrational. Of course, other materials may be used for the construction of photovoltaic cells, but with a high probability of achieving a higher efficiency for such materials than for silicon, they will also be associated with a significantly higher cost of manufacturing the cell. Photovoltaic cells were the topic of my research during my studies. In retrospect, the greatest added value of the research was the acquisition of knowledge that helped me carry out industrial projects in the field of renewable energy.
A.B.: You have significant achievements in new methods of measuring the thermal parameters of IGBT transistors and IGBT modules. What do they concern? Who could benefit from these methods? Or have they already found practical use?
My work in this area concerns the thermal characterisation of these elements, i.e., the measurement of their resistance and thermal capacity. The other authors of the work and I have proposed the adaptation of the known indirect electrical method to the characterisation of interactions between semiconductor structures contained in a common housing. I believe that in the next few years, it will be used mainly by manufacturers of electronic components, as the problem of thermal interactions as a challenge for the miniaturisation of systems is increasingly a topic of discussion in science.
A.B.: Can you comment on your achievements in the installation of semiconductor power elements and the associated thermal resistance? What are the results of your work?
The work I carry out in this area with Professor Agata Skwarek, Professor Balazs Illes and PhD candidate Adrian Pietruszka, currently focuses on the development of composite solder pastes, the thermal conductivity of which is higher than those commonly used. Thanks to this, it is more effective to remove the heat from the semiconductor structure and, therefore, reduce its operating temperature. The first results are very promising, and we are able to achieve a noticeable improvement in thermal resistance, but we are still looking for new materials that will allow us to gain even higher thermal conductivity.
A.B.: In your research on IGBT transistors, you use the SPICE programme. What is the effect of computer analysis of electronic circuits on the development of experimental models?
Electrothermal models of the discrete IGBT transistor and the IGBT module, implemented in the SPICE programme, were the topic of my doctoral thesis. The development of literary solutions resulted from the development of original solutions which allow for the integration of thermal interactions between semiconductor structures in the calculation, a change in the efficiency of the heat convection from the element and the heat sink with an increase in temperature, and the modelling of the work of these elements in the sublime range. I experimentally test mathematical models to confirm their accuracy.
A.B.: The research conducted by you resulted in 69 scientific publications, 27 of which were published in journals on the JCR list. In more than 60% of cases, you were the first or only author. These are impressive results. What are the key elements in the creation of a scientific article with aspirations to be published in a renowned scientific journal?
Everything begins with a good idea to solve a problem resulting from other publications in world-class journals. The solution should then be verified by searching the scientific databases to see if anybody has already proposed such a solution. If it has already been proposed, maybe it has some shortcomings that can be corrected. It is worth considering putting a team together - the synergy of the competencies of the members of a well-chosen team has a beneficial effect on the content of the article. You then go ahead and carry out the scientific activities appropriate to the scientific discipline in question. Writing a paper happens only after this work is completed. So in conclusion we need three things: an idea, good research, and hard skills in a given area.
A.B.: What advice would you provide to young research staff who face difficulties in publishing their research results in recognised scientific journals? Often the rejection of the article is regarded as a failure and discourages further attempts. Isn't that the way it should be? Perhaps you also have experience in this respect, which you can share?
At the beginning of your academic career, a mentor who proposes a topic and an action plan to be implemented, and in case of problems helps to solve them, is crucial. I believe that when starting a scientific career; it is important to ensure that you join a team where success is a natural thing. If there's been no success to date, it's hard to expect it in the future. Of course, failures happen - I don't think I'm the only one who has had a paper rejected. Of course, an isolated case is nothing to be concerned about, but if it becomes the norm, I would think of changing the team, as the content of the paper has to improve for subsequent attempts to be successful.
A.B.: In addition, you were the project manager of the Diamond Grant project "Modelling of the electrical and thermal properties of IGBT transistors and electro-insulated modules with these transistors" as part of the Ministry of Education and Science Programme (2017 - 2021) and the PRELUDium 16 "Electrothermal intermediate model of a diode-transistor switch with an IGBT transistor for the analysis of DC-DC converters" as part of the NCN Programme (2019 - 2021). What was the biggest challenge in the implementation of these projects?
Each project is a completely different challenge. In the case of the Diamond Grant, during its implementation, it turned out that a few scientists around the world came up with a similar idea, which proved that the idea was good, but at the same time, I had to be very careful that what I was publishing would still be new. However, in the case of Preledium, my colleagues did not believe in the project, in fact, they considered it impossible to carry it out, and for the first time in my scientific career, I had to go it alone, and attempt to get a result using my own methods.
A.B.: You are also the head of the project "Electrothermal average electric inertia modelling in the MOSFET transistor for rapid analysis of DC-DC converters" as part of the Mieczysław Bekker NAWA Programme for 2022. Do you think that applying to competitions is something that University staff should aspire to in their scientific development?
It's a very important part of the activity of scientific staff. However, it is worth remembering that to obtain funding for a scientific project, there should first be an achievement that exceeds or is at least equal to the achievements of the winners of the most recent editions of the chosen grant programme, and an idea which is highly likely to be the source of effective publications or industrial implementation. This is crucial in terms of the likelihood of success.
A.B.: You are the co-author of two national patents awarded by the Polish Patent Office for the measurement of thermal parameters of discrete transistors and IGBT modules. Could you tell us about their potential for application in the industry?
Their potential lies in the extension of the range of thermal parameters measured by manufacturers. The possibility of their industrial use lies in their international popularisation. For this reason, over the next few years, I plan to put more attention to attending the most important international conferences on semiconductor elements.
A.B.: Can you share with us some of your passions and interests beyond science? How do you spend your free time? I've heard that you're the designer of a 60-meter-long stratosphere ship called the Red Shift. Is that your hobby?
Although it may be hard to believe, I believe in the existence of life beyond science. In my spare time, I like to play electric and bass guitar. I've also gone back to playing FIFA, which I started playing even during my preschool years and I still haven't grown out of it, as well as the game Europe Universalis. These two games have been with me for years. I collect banknotes, watch films, and listen to music from the several hundred albums I have. When I go to work by train, I always have a book in my hand, and during work, I often listen to podcasts to keep expanding my horizons. I also don't mind watching a good football match, but when I have the chance, I prefer to be on the pitch.
As for the design of the airship, before I took part in the project, I had no experience of working with aircraft. Following the Red Rose competition, I was approached by a representative of the student organisation SIMLE from Gdansk University of Technology with a proposal for cooperation on the project. It was a typical start-up, where people with little experience, but with a lot of enthusiasm, try to solve a complex problem. Unfortunately, building the proof-of-concept revealed structural problems, so financing was withdrawn and the project died a natural death. It is something a regret because we designed many interesting solutions. However, what looks spectacular during the design process doesn't always produce an equally spectacular result.
A.B.: You are an excellent example of the fact that scientific development can be combined with sporting activity. During your studies, you were the captain of the team in four consecutive Futsal Interdepartmental tournaments. Are you still involved in this sport? And does sport help you carry out your research?
When I'm well and don't have weekend lectures, I spend Sunday mornings playing in Reda.
The game requires quick decision-making, and the absence of decisions or excessive delay has consequences in the form of goals conceded. For this reason, when I play, I focus only on the game. This helps my scientific work as every week I have a complete break from it for at least 1.5 hours. Sports on a professional level requires systematic work and self-discipline, but I have never been at that level, that I can say for sure. However, even at the amateur level, there is rivalry, friendly rivalry, that is.
A.B.: You conduct classes with Gdynia Maritime University students. Do you think that the fact that you began your academic career at such a young age is an inspiration that encourages students to become involved in scientific activity?
I hope so, and I try every day to have that effect on my students. Each student who engages in scientific activity is an opportunity for the University to gain a valuable employee in the future.
A.B.: Thank you very much for talking to me. I wish you further success in both your professional and personal life.
Thank you.
Interview by Anna Błażejewska
Dr Paweł Górecki,
Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Gdynia Maritime University
Research interests: focused electrothermal modelling of semiconductor power elements, DC-DC converters, surface assembly of power elements, and hydrogen production.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5544-2373
e-mail: p.gorecki [at]