Rector Nominates Director of Newly Established GMU Technology Transfer Centre
On 3rd April 2023, Rector Professor Adam Weintrit presented Dr Magdalena Kukowska-Kaszuba with a nomination to the post of Director of the GMU Technology Transfer Centre.
The Technology Transfer Centre is a newly formed university-wide organisational unit within the Division of the Deputy Rector for Cooperation and Development, which operates based on regulations in accordance with article 148 of the Higher Education and Science Act of 20th July 2018. The Centre was set up to support the University's efforts to improve the exploitation of intellectual and technical potential, cooperation with the economy, the development of skills and academic entrepreneurship, the management of intellectual property, and the use of innovative solutions to commercialise the outcomes of scientific activity and transfer them to the economy.
In the words of Dr Kukowska-Kaszuba: "The mission of the GMU Technology Transfer Centre is to create business relationships, strengthen academic invention, and transfer knowledge and technology focused on innovation and current socio-economic challenges. The Centre will make every effort to provide our researchers with the most convenient space for the development of University-developed innovations."
The creation of the GMU Technology Transfer Centre was one of the milestones of the Innovation Incubator 4.0 project, which Gdynia Maritime University carries out in a consortium with the project leader – the Silesian University of Technology. The project was financed by the Ministry of Education and Science as part of a non-competition project entitled "Support for the management of scientific research and the commercialisation of the results of R&D work in scientific units and companies", which is carried out within the framework of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014 - 2020 (Action 4.4).