International Day For Women in Maritime

For the 3rd time since its establishment by the International Maritime Organisation in 2021, on 18 May 2024, the international maritime community will celebrate International Day for Women in Maritime.

In connection with this occasion, I would like to wish all women connected with the academic community of our University success and prosperity in your work and study within the maritime community and the academic community at Gdynia  Maritime University.

For more than 100 years, Gdynia Maritime University has provided maritime education producing personnel who are increasingly made up of women. This fact, which goes against stereotypes in which maritime roles are typically considered to be male-only professions, is cause for great satisfaction. I hope that this International Day For Women in Maritime will contribute to raising awareness among the public, and draw attention to the invaluable contribution of women to the development and functioning of the maritime industry, which will contribute to further beneficial changes in the maritime environment, making it an increasingly welcoming place for the women who want to pursue their scientific and professional industries in the industry.


Professor Adam Weintrit,
Rector of Gdynia Maritime University


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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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