Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Hosts 2nd Walk Around GMU
On 24 March 2025, another walk in a cycle of walks around Gdynia Maritime University took place, hosted by the Faculty of Marine Engineering. More than 60 final-year secondary pupils took part in the event, which gave them the chance to get a closer look at life in the Faculty and decide whether the education on offer matches their plans for the future.
Those gathered in the T. Meissner auditorium were welcomed by Dr Marcin Frycz, the Deputy Dean for Part-Time Studies and Promotion in the Faculty of Marine Engineering. Dr Frycz also provided an introduction to a lecture prepared by Associate Professor Dr Krzysztof Dudzik, entitled "Aluminium alloys – a common material for ambitious applications." Professor Krzysztof Dudzik's remarkable ability to captivate his audience meant he held their attention right to the end of the lecture.
Following the lecture, the groups visited the Marine Power Plant Simulator and the Material Strength Laboratory. In a brief space of time, our staff presented the wide range of possibilities during practical sessions in the Faculty's laboratories and simulators.
The warm weather favoured a walk around the GMU campus in the company of staff member Łukasz from the Promotions Office who, with an innate enthusiasm, proudly showed pupils around our student-friendly campus.
We hope that many of our guests will soon return to the University and join the ranks of our students at the start of the next great adventure of their lives.
We would like to thank all guests and staff involved in preparing for today's event.
The next walk is scheduled for 28 April and will hosted by the Faculty of Navigation. To reserve your place, visit zapisy.umg.edu.pl.