GMU Holds 30th Anniversary Traditional Maritime Ball

On the last Saturday before Carnival, 22 February 2025, the 30th Anniversary Traditional Maritime Ball took place in the Tadeusz Meissner Auditorium at Gdynia Maritime University. 

The guests were welcomed by Professor Adam Weintrit and his wife, who invited the guests to join them for a joint photograph against a backdrop with scenery reminiscent of a fairy-tale land of ice. Students then showed the guests to their tables, which this year we named after renowned navigators and geographical explorers, such as Christopher Columbus. Vasco da Gamy, and Ferdinand Magellan.

The Traditional Maritime Ball began at 19:30 sharp with the breaking of seven glasses on the ship bell in the foyer outside the auditorium.

In welcoming the guests, HM The Rector of Gdynia Maritime University, Professor Adam Weintrit, emphasised that since the very first Maritime Ball, those invited have been persons who share a special connection not only with the University but also with Martime Poland as a whole. Therefore, this year this year’s event was honoured by the presence of representatives of national authorities, including the Secretary of Infrastructure, Dr Arkadiusz Marchewka, the Director of the Department of Ownership Supervision in the Ministry of Infrastructure. Konrad Grzejszczuk, the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, Dr Jacek Karnowski, and members of the Polish Parliament, Dorota Arciszewska-Mielewczyk and Stanisław Lamczyk. Present at this year’s Ball were members of local government and city authorities, led by Mayor of Gdynia Aleksandra Kosiorek, representatives of shipping companies and institutes - partners of Gdynia Maritime University, including the Port of Gdynia, the Port of Gdańsk, Polish Ocean Lines, PGE Baltica, and PGZ Stocznia Wojenna. Also invited were rectors of other higher education institutions, naval officers, master mariners, representatives of the world of culture, the media, and sport. From GMU, taking part in the Ball were representatives of the academic community, including senators, members of the University Council, depuity rectors, deans, and directors.

During his welcome speech, HM The Rector mentioned his visit to Japan, where he will pass on, effective from the middle of February, the post of Chair of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) to his successor. Hence the reason, as the Rector explained, for the change of date of the ball, which normally takes place on the last Saturday before Carnival.  

The ball began with the traditional Polonaise dance. The ball was hosted by Aleksander Gosk, and providing the music was the band Grupa D-Tonacja. Those gathered were also treated to a performance by the artistic duet, “Ladies First”. 

Just under an hour before midnight, guests enjoyed a treat in the shape of a layer cake. The first piece was cut by HM The Rector. Following the sweet treat, the kind and queen of the dance floor on the night was announced. The champagne party lasted until the early morning, and upon leaving at the end of the night, many participants declared their desire to take part in the next Maritime Ball.

The tradition of the Maritime Ball dates back to the time of the Maritime School in Tczew when the School invited the dignitaries connected with the emerging Maritime Poland to gather at the School. The imaginative maritime-themed decoration of the venue was the work of the University’s students. The tradition of organising Maritime Balls is maintained to this day, and usually on the last Saturday of Carnival, Neptune himself, the god of seas and oceans, invites people connected with the maritime economy and education to join the celebration.

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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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