
The admission council of the relevant faculty shall conduct the admission process forcandidates.
The admission process is carried out on the University's online candidate registration system (IRK).
Candidates can register and log into the system at
Following the successful completion of the admissions process and the payment of appropriate fees for the first semester of study, candidates shall receive a certificate confirming their acceptance onto the relevant course at the University.
A contract for the paid provision of educational services shall be concluded with the candidate.
Candidates are accepted onto their chosen course of study following the conclusion of a civil and legal contract between the University and the candidate.
All payments should be made to the University's bank account:
  • for payments in EURO 54114011530000223543001019
  • for payments in USD 27114011530000223543001020
  • for payments in PLN for particular faculties:
    • Navigation 60114011530000223543001008
    • Marine Engineering 33114011530000223543001009
    • Electrical Engineering 06114011530000223543001010
    • Management and Quality Science 87114011530000223543001007
mBank SA Oddział Korporacyjny w Gdyni,
ul. Śląska 47, 81-310 Gdynia
The documents should be submitted directly to the respective Dean's office in the Faculty to which the student has applied.