Modern Means of Powering Transport Discussed at Plenary Session of Polish Academy of Sciences’ Transport Committee

GMU Rector, Professor Adam Weintrit, attended the plenary session of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Transport Committee yesterday, Tuesday 14th September, in Arłamów. The topic of the main science session of the day was “Contemporary power sources for means of transport”.  

Speaking on the subject, Professor Weintrit drew attention to the main legal and organisational problems concerning the use of hydrogen in marine transport. Currently, the situation concerning the implementation of hydrogen as a source of fuel within the maritime sector is, unfortunately, far from straightforward, and unlike that of road and rail transport, which benefits from more favourable conditions. According to Professor Weintrit, the introduction of this modern fuel source to marine transport may prove to be feasible only within some 12 years or even a few decades.

Appointed in 1972, the Academy of Sciences’ Transport Committee handles the organisation, operation, business economics and modernisation of transport systems, the business management of transport systems, haulage process technology, the application of technical measures (infrastructure and rolling stock), rail, automotive, air and water transport, multi-modal transport corridors, and transport in urban agglomerations

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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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