Faculty of Marine Engineering Student Wins at 4th Edition of Female Engineers Competition

Gmu student Daria Darznik has been announced as one of the winners of a competition as part of Siemens' Inżynierki 4.0. - an education programme aimed at female students of technical higher education institutions. This year’s edition of the programme hosted workshops dedicated to the challenges faced by young female professionals on the labour market - including issues such as prejudice, inequality and ways to deal with them. Other topics considered included the gender pay gap, developing business relations, and image management.

The event also gave the students the opportunity to further their technical knowledge with sessions held on automation, robotics and digital enterprise, and for the first time in the programme - modern energy generation and smart infrastructure.

At the end of the first day, a competition was announced which involved the creation of an original idea (presented using any medium e.g., film, visuals, oral presentation) in answer to the question “In what way can technology help to maintain the health of the planet”.

One of the winning entries was a presentation given by Daria Darznik - a student of Mechanics and Engineering at the Faculty of Marine Engineering. Her response to the task earned her a place on a certified training course for the “Maintenance and Programming of Computerised Numerical Control Machines using Sinumerik in Relation to Milling Technology” at a Siemens-endorsed training centre.

Congratulations Daria and all the best in the future!

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