Academic Teacher Evaluation and Appeal Review Committees

For the evaluation of academic teachers from each of the University’s faculties, committees with the following compositions have been appointed:

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering

  1. Professor Krzysztof Górecki, DSc(Eng) - *Chair
  2. Professor Józef Lisowki, DSc(Eng)
  3. Professor Jerzy Mizeraczyk

 2. Faculty of Marine Engineering

  1. Andrzej Miszczak, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof. - *Chair
  2. Professor Adam Charchalis, DSc(Eng)
  3. Kazimierz Witowski, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof.
  4. Włodzimierz Freda, DSc - Assoc. Prof.
  5. Lech Murawksi, DSc(Eng) - Assoc. Prof.

3. Faculty of Navigation

  1. Tomasz Neumann, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof. - *Chair
  2. Ryszard Wawruch, DSc(Eng), MM – Assoc. Prof.
  3. Przemysław Wilczyński , PhD(Eng), MM – Assoc. Prof.

4. Faculty of Management and Quality Science

  1. Alexandra Wilczyńska, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof. - *Chair
  2. Professor Andrzej S. Grzelakowski, DSc
  3. Joanna Brzeska, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof.
  4. Ewa Ratajczak-Ropel, DSc – Assoc. Prof.
  5. Katarzyna Skrzeszewska, PhD

For the evaluation of academic teachers from the Maritime Institute, a committee with the following composition has been appointed:

  1. Krzysztof Czaplewski, DSc(Eng), Prof. Tit. - *Chair
  2. Maciej Kałas, PhD
  3. Aliaksandr Lisimenka, PhD

For the evaluation of non-faculty academic teachers, a committee with the following composition has been appointed:

  1. Sambor Guze, DSc – Assoc. Prof.
  2. Andrzej Lachowicz, PhD
  3. Mirosław Sztramska, PhD

An Appeal Review Committee has been appointed with the following composition:

  1. Dariusz Barbucha, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof. – Deputy Rector for Science
  2. Professor Janusz  Mindykowski, DSc(Eng) – Faculty of Engineering
  3. Hoang Nguyen, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof. – Faculty of Marine Enginneering
  4. Krzysztof Czaplewski, DSc(Eng) – Assoc. Prof. – Faculty of Navigation
  5. Professor Piotr Przybyłowski, DSc(Eng) – Faculty of Management and Quality Science
  6. Andrzej Osowiecki, PhD – GMU Maritime Institute