Decommissioning Committee

The following representatives have been appointed for the 2020-2024 term of office:

Maciej Zalach, MSc 
Wojciech Grabowski, MSc(Eng)
Łukasz Buchert, BSc(Eng)  
Cecylia Wójcik, MSc(Eng)   
Andrzej Bomba, MSc
Joanna Licznerska-Bereśniewicz, MSc
Bartolomiej Tatrocki, BSc(Eng)
Leszka Duda
Marek Lubowiecki      

Chancellor’s Division, *Chair
Faculty of Marine Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Management and Quality Science
Faculty of Navigation
Maritime Institute
Rector’s Division
GMU Staff Trade Union
NSZZ Solidarność