Deputy Rector for Scientific Research

Dariusz Barbucha, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor

Academic degrees and titles

  • DSc in Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, Poznan University of Technology (2015),
  • PhD in Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology (1999),
  • MSc in Mathematics, specilization: numerical methods and programming, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Univeristy of Gdansk (1990).


  • Associate Professor at Department of Information Systems (formerly Department of Computer Science), Gdynia Maritime University (2015-to date),
  • Assistant Professor at Department of Information Systems (formerly Department of Computer Science), Gdynia Maritime University (2000-2015),
  • Assistant at Department of Computer Science (formerly Department of Computer Science and Systems Analysis), Gdynia Maritime University (1991-2000).

Professional Experience

  • Deputy Rector for Science (2024-2028)
  • Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Commodity Science (2016-2020)
  • Member of the University Senate (2020-2028)
  • Member of Senate and Rectoral Committees and Teams, including: the Senate Budget and Finance Committee; the Senate Science Committee (Chair); the Rectoral Committee for Designation of Rector Awards to Academic Teachers (Chair); Rectoral Committee for the Promotion of Academic Teachers (Chair); Team for the Evaluation of the Quality of Scientific Activity at Gdynia Maritime University (2020-2024)
  • Member of the University Committee for Quality of Education (2016-2020)
  • Member of the Faculty Programme Committee (2012–2020)
  • Faculty Coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme (2016-2020)
  • Deputy Chair of the Department of Information Systems (2008-2020).

Research topics

  • Combinatorial optimization,
  • Methods and techniques of artificial intelligence,
  • Computational intelligence,
  • Approximation algorithms for computationally difficult optimization problems,
  • Intelligent transportation systems,
  • Multi-agent systems.

Scientific, educational and organizational activities

  • Author of 90 papers published in scientitic journals, monographs, and peer reviewed conference proceedings,
  • Editor of monographs and special issues of scientific journals,
  • Project manager and team members of scientific projects financed by National Science Center, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, State Committee for Scientific Research, and European Union, and individual grants of Gdynia Maritime University,
  • Reviewer of several hundred papers submitted for publication in scientific journals, including journals listed on JCR), monographs and conference proceedings,
  • Reviewer and member of committees in connection with procedures for the award of habilitation and doctoral degrees.
  • Chair and member of programme and organizing committees of several dozen domestic and international scientific conferences,
  • Organizer of special sessions at international scientific conferences,
  • Member of domestic and international scientific societies:
    • IEEE,
    • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC), including Member of the Board of the Polish Branch of IEEE SMC,
    • Knowledge Engineering Systems International (UK). 
  • Internships at scientific and educational institutions:
    • Liverpool John Moores University (UK),
    • Cork Institute of Technology (Ireland),
    • Hochschule Bremerhaven (Germany),
    • South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Finland),
  • Study visit at the University of Aaalborg (Denmark) as a part of the project of Ministry of Science and Higher Education „Leaders in University Management”,
  • Several times awarded with the I, II and III degree Award of the Rector of Gdynia Maritime University for scientific activity and excellence.