General rules

Non-nationals are admitted to courses of study on the same terms as Polish citizens, excluding the qualification process (ranking). Gdynia Maritime University (GMU) may request that students attend a "foundation" year in order to develop their command of Polish and improve their knowledge of mathematics, physics, and English.
Non-nationals may study in Poland on the basis of:
  1. international agreements, and in compliance with the regulations outlined in these agreements;
  2. agreements concluded with foreign institutions by Gdynia Maritime University and in compliance with the regulations outlined in these agreements;
  3. a decision of the Minister for Higher Education;
  4. a decision of the Director of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) concerning its scholarships;
  5. a decision of the Director of the NCN to allocate funds for the implementation of fundamental research in the form of a research project, internship or scholarship, qualified for funding by way of a competition;
  6. a decision of the Rector of Gdynia Maritime University.