Developement Strategy for Gdynia Maritime University 2020-2024
The Development Strategy of Gdynia Maritime University based on the priorities set out in ‘A new strategic agenda 2019-2024’ of the European Union, ‘Agenda for Responsible Development to 2020 with a perspective to 2030’ is consistent with the scientific policy of the Republic of Poland set out in the Constitution for Science and constitutes an integral part of ‘the national and Pomeranian areas of smart specialization’ policy.
It is also consistent with the mission of the University, according to which Gdynia Maritime University by conducting scientific research enriches knowledge related to the development and operation of technical systems in the maritime economy, and by educating students it prepares staff capable of meeting successfully challenges of the modern maritime economy, especially of the maritime transport.
Gdynia Maritime University, by addressing the economic needs of the country and the region, shapes among its students the entrepreneurial attitude and respect for the principles of sustainable development. Gdynia Maritime University also takes an advisory and opinion-making voice in matters concerning the maritime economy and training of staff for its needs.
The main values of Gdynia Maritime University are: truth and reliability in science and education, close connection between the educational process and the needs of the economic environment, innovativeness and openness.
• Ensuring a permanent, strong position of Gdynia Maritime University among the leading maritime universities in the world as a significant international academic centre in the field of education and research for the needs of the maritime economy on the national, regional, European and global level.
• Continuous improvement of the quality of education by adapting study programs and learning outcomes to new challenges, offering commercially attractive fields of study and specialisations, internationalisation of the offer and preparation of highly qualified staff for the modern economy 4.0, in particular for the maritime economy.
• Quality enhancement of scientific activities conducted at Gdynia Maritime University, ensuring the achievement of a high scientific category for the scientific disciplines taught and researched at the University.
• Increasing the participation of Gdynia Maritime University in the transfer of knowledge to the economy, creating innovative solutions and intensifying commercialisation of research results.
• Developing the methods and procedures to ensure the appropriate career development path for each academic teacher.
• Improving the conditions of studying and working at Gdynia Maritime University by building and modernising the didactic, scientific, social and sports base.
• Close cooperation with the socio-economic environment, scientific organisations, maritime associations and graduates.
• Cultivating the maritime and academic traditions of Gdynia Maritime University.
Taking into account the University’s scientific and didactic potential as well as the listed priorities, Gdynia Maritime University sets the following strategic objectives:
I. Within the area of education
1. Strengthening the position of Gdynia Maritime University as a recognised centre for education and training of staff for the economy, especially the maritime economy.
2. Raising the quality and efficiency of the educational process.
3. Increasing the attractiveness of the educational offer, enhancing programmes of study and related learning outcomes, and adapting them to the needs of the domestic and international labour market.
4. Increasing the interest of secondary school leavers in the didactic offer of Gdynia Maritime University as a university of the first choice by intensifying promotional activities as well as regular updates of programmes of study and their adaption to the expectations of employers.
The objectives within the area of education are achieved through:
a. Obtaining the positive programme evaluations from the Polish Accreditation Committee.
b. Adapting programmes of study to the needs and requirements of the dynamically changing world and the labour market, taking into account the regional and global challenges.
c. Preparing and launching postgraduate studies and specialist vocational courses that fully satisfy the needs for professional development of people working in the maritime sector and providing a possibility of professional development and consolidation of practical and theoretical knowledge throughout their whole professional career.
d. Internationalisation of the educational process at Gdynia Maritime University by increasing the number of foreign students and the student exchange under the ERASMUS + programme, among others by preparing an offer of studies in English at all the faculties of Gdynia Maritime University, as well as intensification of visits of professors from foreign universities.
e. Enhancing the unique model of education, in which internships on the training vessels belonging to Gdynia Maritime University are a key element in acquiring professional and social skills as well as competences by students of the faculties which prepare them to work at sea.
f. Developing the cooperation with the socio-economic environment, as well as with national and international organisations and employers, especially with the employers from the maritime sector, in order to improve programmes of study and to support students of Gdynia Maritime University in their search for attractive internships and traineeships.
g. Close cooperation within the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU).
h. Intensifying promotional activities and launching effective mechanisms for continuous improvement of educational programmes.
i. Developing and offering new forms of students’ activity within scientific circles and sports sections as well as supporting other initiatives of the student and doctoral organisations.
j. Creating the conditions supporting the employees’ and students’ efforts to obtain the maritime diplomas.
k. Development of modern methods and models of education which make use of a wide range of on-line platforms and distant learning.
l. Supporting the pro-innovative attitudes of students and developing their creativity as well as skills necessary in continuous self-education.
II. Within the area of research, development works and transfer of knowledge and technology
1. Intensification of the activities aiming at the development of scientific potential and improvement of the quality of scientific and research activities.
2. Developing the cooperation with national and foreign universities, scientific research institutes and the industry, so as to significantly increase the participation of Gdynia Maritime University in the transfer of knowledge to the economy; creating innovative solutions and commercialisation of the research results.
3. Expanding the scope and the quality of the University offer related to research, expert and advisory services as well as the implementation works for the enterprises and institutions from the local economic sector.
4. Striving for the highest possible scientific category of the assessed scientific disciplines during the evaluation of the quality of the University scientific activity in 2022 and creating conditions necessary to obtain higher and higher categories of scientific disciplines in the subsequent evaluations.
5. Increasing the measurable financial effects of scientific research and development works carried out at Gdynia Maritime University.
6. Increasing the recognition of Gdynia Maritime University and its scientific leaders at home and abroad as a centre of the high scientific and research potential in the maritime economy.
The objectives within the area of scientific research are achieved through:
a. Creating the favourable conditions for the scientific and professional development of the employees of Gdynia Maritime University.
b. Defining the priority research areas of Gdynia Maritime University, taking into account the potential, competitive advantage, possibilities of cooperation with the industry and other universities at home and abroad.
c. Consistent support for the manifestations of scientific activity in all the scientific disciplines outside the priority research areas of Gdynia Maritime University, assistance in obtaining funds.
d. Increasing the number of publications of the scientific research results of in the high-impact-factor journals and increasing the number of patents for inventions.
e. Raising the ranking position of the journals published by the University.
f. Launching the consultancy and administrative support system for employees applying for funds for research and commercial projects, as well as for the works commissioned from domestic and international sources, both at the stage of their acquisition, as well as during the ongoing management and financial settlements of the projects implemented at Gdynia Maritime University.
g. Striving to increase significantly the participation of Gdynia Maritime University in the research and development projects financed, inter alia, from the financial resources of Foundation of Polish Science, National Science Centre, Poland) and The National Centre for Research and Development, and in international programmes, including those financed from the European Union funds.
h. Modification of the remuneration and bonus system for the employees which will, to a greater extent, take into account the strategic objectives of Gdynia Maritime University.
i. Establishing the university fund to pre-finance expenses related to the realisation of international projects, including the EU projects.
j. Acquisition of modern equipment as well as research and laboratory apparatus, which will enable the conduct of advanced scientific works and the provision of comprehensive services for the local economic sector.
k. Supporting the employees of Gdynia Maritime University in matters related to scientific internships in the research centres at home and abroad, and conducting research works within the inter-university teams.
l. Supporting scientific activities of students (especially conducted within the scientific circles) and doctoral students studying at the Doctoral School; involving them in the realisation of scientific and research works carried out at Gdynia Maritime University.
m. Establishing and active participation of Gdynia Maritime University in scientific consortia, scientific networks and other undertaken works connected with the creation of a regional innovation system, and in consortia of the commercial character conducting research for the needs of the development of the Polish maritime economy and changes in the Polish energy policy on the basis of the potential of maritime areas.
n. The wider use of the vessels of Gdynia Maritime University to conduct scientific research at sea.
o. Support for expert activities, among others by the appropriate system of rewards and bonuses.
p. Support for the University's organisational units in the organisation of national and international scientific conferences.
q. Promoting local research leaders and supporting them in the creation of research teams.
The objectives within the area of transfer of knowledge and technology are achieved through:
a. Developing the University's competences as an expert centre in the field of systemic, technical, technological, environmental, economic and organisational solutions for the economy, especially the maritime economy and the renewable energy sector.
b. Creating a mechanism for acquiring the budget, the EU funds and other funds to strengthen the market position of Gdynia Maritime University in the renewable energy sector, including offshore wind farms.
c. Support for the works undertaken to raise the level of technological readiness of the solutions that in the portfolio of Gdynia Maritime University.
d. Supporting the initiatives undertaken by the units of Gdynia Maritime University, the aim of which is to disseminate the effects of scientific activity, promote the services and technological solutions offered by the University and popularise science in the society.
e. Establishing the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer to manage the results of the research and development works conducted at the University and to advise on matters related to intellectual property as well as to support academic entrepreneurship.
f. Establishing the Centre for International Promotion of Maritime Technology and Education at GMU (coordination of African projects).
III. Within the area of development of the didactic, scientific-research and social infrastructure
1. Expansion of the University's didactic infrastructure which will enable education at the highest world level.
2. Development of the laboratory base that will ensure the realisation of advanced scientific research and enable the provision of research services of the highest quality for the broadly understood maritime economy sector.
3. Modernisation and development of the social and sports infrastructure in order to satisfy better the needs of the employees, students and doctoral students.
4. Modernisation and development of the IT systems handling and supporting selected processes realised at the University.
The objectives within the area of development of the didactic, scientific-research and social infrastructure are achieved through:
a. Establishing new specialist laboratories, simulators as well as didactic and research laboratories and modernising the existing ones.
b. Establishing and developing the innovative centre of the integrated research laboratories of the maritime sector for the offshore industry.
c. Support for the creation of accredited testing laboratories.
d. Changing the location of the seat of the Maritime Institute in order to significantly improve the conditions for conducting scientific research.
e. Continuation of the works connected with the adaptation of the University to the standards and the needs of the latest ICT technologies.
f. Modernisation and repairs of the training and research vessels.
g. Construction of new facilities (including a sports hall with the university sports centre and a modern student dormitory) as well as modernisation and renovation of the research, didactic and social infrastructure (including the complete renovation of the student club "Bukszpryt").
h. Gradual modernisation of the IT systems supporting the electronic document circulation, including the areas of: human resources, remuneration, science and didactics.
IV. Within the area of organisation and management of the University and integration of the academic community
1. Raising the quality and increasing the effectiveness of processes in the University management.
2. Providing stable and safe working and learning conditions for all the members of the academic community.
3. Enabling the development of scientific and professional competences of the academic community and the acceleration of the development of a professional career.
4. Modification of the system of managing human, financial and material resources.
5. Increasing the University's accessibility for people with disabilities.
The objectives within the area of organisation and management of the University and integration of the academic community are achieved through:
a. Acceleration of the integration works connected with the inclusion of the Maritime Institute into the structures of GMU, while maintaining the specificity and the requirements of a research unit realising scientific and commercial projects for the sector of the maritime economy.
b. Unification of the University's financial and factual records and reporting systems.
c. Creating the transparent remuneration principles for employees, including crews of the vessels belonging to Gdynia Maritime University.
D. Providing the mechanisms of material stability for the University’s employees in the situations of higher necessity.
e. Implementation of the integrated management system of the University resources that support the University management, make use of the modern Internet and mobile solutions available for the management personnel and the employees.
f. Defining the clear procedures for professional promotion (of research, research- didactic, didactic, administrative and engineering- technical employees).
g. Adapting the organisational structure to the current and future needs, the aim of which is to streamline the internal processes and to increase the effectiveness of the University management.
h. Acquiring budgetary and non-budgetary funds for the development of the University.
i. Development of a long-term plan of renovations and investments, along with the development of the mechanisms for the effective use of resources.
j. Streamlining and adjusting the mechanisms of employment, employee appraisal and motivation leading to the increased effectiveness at work.
The priorities and strategic objectives will be realised in the form of the operational tasks defined by the Rector and the Heads of organisational units of Gdynia Maritime University.