Operational Oceanography Department

About the Department 

The Department of Operational Oceanography (DOO) is engaged in a wide range of research and  development activities in the field of operational oceanography at sea and in the coastal zone. Additionally, the DOO undertakes projects commissioned by the Polish maritime administration and commercial entities operating at sea. The Department conducts comprehensive marine environmental research, including geophysical and hydro-physical studies. Furthermore, the DOO offers a range of services, including the production of reports, studies, analyses and expert opinions, and sampling services for biological, chemical, and geological research. It also provides consultancy and advisory services in the field of offshore research, thus supporting its clients in the process of making well-informed decisions and undertaking operations at sea. The findings of scientific research conducted by the Department's staff are regularly published in renowned scientific journals, contributing to the global advancement of oceanographic knowledge and enhancing our understanding of the dynamic processes taking place in the marine environment.

Main Areas of Activity:

•  Pre-investment seabed surveys for the construction and operation of various marine structures, including wind farms, submarine cables and pipelines, sanitary collectors, and artificial reefs.
•  Inventory studies of marine mineral deposits, and measurements of pollution levels and the volume of dredged material.
•  Providing information necessary for designing, constructing, and modernising marine hydraulic structures, collectors, port quays, and marinas.
•  Research aimed at improving the safety of navigation and combating extraordinary threats at sea (forecasting hydro-physical and hydrodynamic conditions on the sea surface and within the water column, forecasting the spread of oil and chemical spills, drifting objectstcs
•  Studies on the ecological impacts of economic activities on the marine environment and biocenosis (including the inventory and impact assessment of wrecks).
•  Research related to the assessment of marine renewable energy resources (wind energy, wave energy, currents).
•  Coastal zone measurements related to shore protection against erosion phenomena.
The Department has an Integrated Management System (IMS) in place, which complies with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 standards. The IMS policy is available here.


Juliusz Gajewski
Head of the Department of Operational Oceanography
Advisor for Offshore Wind Energy
E-mail: jgajewski [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Natalia Kaczmarek, MSc
Deputy Head of the Department of Operational Oceanography
E-mail: nkaczmarek [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Karina Jurkiewicz, MSc
Assistant to the Head of the Department of Operational Oceanography
E-mail: kjurkiewicz [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Prof. Adam Krężel, PhD
E-mail: akrezel [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Łukasz Janowski, PhD
Assistant Professor
E-mail: ljanowski [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Maciej Kałas, PhD
Assistant Professor
E-mail: mkalas [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Jarosław Kapiński, PhD
Assistant Professor
E-mail: jkapinski [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Mateusz Kunicki, MA
E-mail: mkunicki [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Ewelina Misiewicz, MSc
E-mail: emisiewicz [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Michał Wójcik, MSc Eng
Project Manager 
E-mail: mwojcik [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Kazimierz Szefler, PhD
Senior Specialist
E-mail: kszefler [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Katarzyna Kamieńska, MSc
Project Coordinator 
E-mail: kkamienska [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Marta Cieżyńska, MSc
Specialist - Project Coordinator 
E-mail: mciezynska [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Paweł Janowski, MSc
Senior Specialist 
E-mail: pjanowski [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Maria Kubacka, MSc
Senior Specialist 
E-mail: mkubacka [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Witold Meler, MSc
Senior Specialist
E-mail: wmeler [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Izabela Zelewska, MSc
Senior Specialist
E-mail: izelewska [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Kamila Gałka, MSc
E-mail: kgalka [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Teresa Moroz-Kunicka, MA
E-mail: teresa.moroz-kunicka [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Michał Niemkiewicz
E-mail: mniemkiewicz [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Wiktor Szyłejko, MSc Eng
E-mail: wszylejko [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Kamila Szeniawska, MSc
E-mail: kszeniawska [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Jaromir Belicki, MSc Eng
Mechatronics Specialist 
E-mail: jbelicki [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Mariusz Boniecki, MSc
Survey Specialist
E-mail: mboniecki [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Justyna Edut, MSc
GIS Specialist
E-mail: jedut [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Dominika Górnowicz, MA
Specialist - Translator
E-mail: dgornowicz [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Łukasz Tymiński, MSc
Documentation Specialist 
E-mail: ltyminski [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Ewelina Marcinkowska, MSc Eng
Survey Specialist 
E-mail: enowotka [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Hanna Wegnerowska, MSc
Survey Specialist 
E-mail: hwegnerowska [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Katarzyna Mazur, Eng
Junior Survey Specialist 
E-mail: kmazur [at] im.umg.edu.pl
Maciej Mendelka, MSc
Junior Survey Specialist
Email: mmendelka [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Bartłomiej Ostryński, MSc
Junior Survey Specialist
Email: bostrynski [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Klaudia Wojciechowska, MSc
Junior Survey Specialist
Email: kwojciechowska [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Karolina Rogóż-Badzińska, MA
Email: karolina.rogoz-badzinska [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Sławomir Wosek
Email: swosek [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Andrzej Malottki
Senior Technician
Phone: 58 301-80-21
Email: amalottki [at] im.umg.edu.pl

Bogdan Porządny
Maintenance Technician
Email: bporzadny [at] im.umg.edu.pl


Juliusz Gajewski
Phone: 603 088 967
Email: Juliusz.Gajewski [at] im.umg.edu.pl