Publikacje UMG


prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Mindykowski
Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Elektroenergetyki Okrętowej

Publikacje będące efektem projektu IAMU MODEL COURSE FOR ELECTRO-TECHNICAL OFFICERS (ETO) realizowanego w ramach grantu IAMU, THE NIPPON FOUNDATION, IAMU 2012 Research Project (No 2012-2013):

1. Vadym Zakcharchenko, Janusz Mindykowski, Ruan Wei, IAMU Model Course for Electro-Technical Officers (ETO), IAMU - The NIPPON FOUNDATION, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1 – 138, ISBN 978-4-907 408-02-2 (URL:

2. J.Mindykowski, Advances in maritime education and training: The case of new competences of electro-technical officers complying with international regulations, JOURNAL OF MARITIME RESEARCH, Vol. XI No III (2014), pp. 13-19, ISSN: 1697-4040.

3. J.Mindykowski, MET Standards for Electro-Technical Officers, TRANSNAV – the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol.8, No4, December 2014, pp. 587-590, (, DOI:10.12716/1001.08.04.14

4. J.Mindykowski, Towards safety improvement: implementation and assessment of new standards of competence for Electro-Technical Officers on ships, MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, 2017, Vol.44, No3, pp. 336-357, ISSN 0308-8839,


dr hab. inż. Piotr Gnaciński, prof. UMG
Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Elektroenergetyki Okrętowej

Publikacje będące efektem projektu A coefficient of voltage energy efficiency (CoeffVoltEff) realizowanego w ramach grantu International Association of Maritime Universities IAMU, The Nippon Foundation; FY2019 IAMU AAS Research Project:

1. Gnaciński P., Mindykowski J., Pepliński M., Tarasiuk T., Costa J. D, Assunção M., Silveira L., Zakharchenko V., Drankova A., Mukha M., Xiao-YanXu., Coefficient of voltageenergyefficiency, IEEE Access, 8, 2020, pp. 75043-75059.

2. Gnaciński P., Tarasiuk T., Mindykowski J., Pepliński M., Górniak M., Hallmann D, Piłat A., Power quality and energy-efficient operation of marine induction motors, IEEE Access, 8, 2020, pp. 152193-152203.

3. Gnaciński P., Mindykowski J., Tarasiuk T., Peliński M., Górniak M., Hallmann D.,  Piłat A., Zakharchenko V., Drankova A., Mukha M., Costa J. D., Assunção M., Silveira L, Wei Ruan, Xiao-Yan Xu, IAMU 2019 Research Project (No 20190202) Innovative technology for improvement routine ship operations (A coefficient of voltage energy efficiency),  Tokyo, Japan, 2020, International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), ISBN: 978-4-907408-33-6.

Link do raportu końcowego


dr inż. Bolesław Dudojć
Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Elektroenergetyki Okrętowej

Publikacje będące efektem projektu Exploitation of electrical equipment in ship hazardous areas – lecture and laboratory course​ realizowanego w ramach grantu International Association of Maritime Universities, FY2004-18 IAMU Research Project:

1. Dudojc B., Transient states in the intrinsically safe measurement lines of the 4-20mA standard, 14 IMEKO TC-4 Symposium, Gdynia-Jurata, 2005, pp124-127.

2. Dudojc B., Mindykowski J., Some aspects of diagnostics and calibration of measurements and control lines in the ship’s hazardous areas, 14 IMEKO TC-4 Symposium, Gdynia-Jurata, 2005, pp.97-100.

3. Dudojc B., Proprieties of transmitters in function of dynamic changes of operation point of two wires measurement line in 4-20mA standard, 16th IMEKO TC4 Symposium;“Exploring New Frontiers of Instrumentation and Methods for Electrical and Electronic Measurements”, Sept. 22-24, 2008, Florence, Italy

4. Dudojc B. Current challenges for operation and maintenance of electrical equipment in ships’ hazardous areas, Joint proceedings Hochschule Bremerhaven-Gdynia Maritime University, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University,  Nr 94, 2016, pp 25-33.

5. Bastian B., Dudojc B., Characteristic and requirements of electrical systems on MODU class vessels, Joint proceedings Hochschule Bremerhaven-Gdynia Maritime University, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University,  Nr 94,
2016, pp 15-24.

6. Mindykowski J., Dudojc B. Case-study based overview of selected measurement in ship system, 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, MetroSea 2018, Bari, Italy, October 8-10, 2018, pp. 1-4

7. Mindykowski J., Dudojc B., Understanding of intrinsically safe systems as an end user in ships hazardous areas, XXII World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO 2018), IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1065 (2018) 022011, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1065/2/022011


dr hab. Adam Przybyłowski, prof. UMG
Wydział Nawigacyjny, Zakład Transportu i Logistyki

1. Przybylowski A., ‘The sustainable development strategy impact on maritime transport in the EU’, [in:] ‘Technical Cooperation in Maritime Education and Training’, edited by: Jin-Soo Park & all., 11th AGA IAMU, Busan (Korea) 2010, s. 197-205.

2. Przybyłowski A., Contemporary  maritime activities: a case study of transport and logistics research & education at Gdynia Maritime University (GMU), [in:] D. Nincic, G. Benton, Common seas, Common Shores: The New Maritime Community, 9th AGA IAMU proceedings, San Francisco, CA, 2008, s. 277-288.

3. Przybylowski A., Impact of globalisation and integration processes on the development of the EU seaports, IAMU Global Maritime Excellence proceedings, Odessa 2007, s. 173-184.

4. Adam Przybylowski, 'International maritime environmental and safety legislation: a case study of implementation of the ISM Code in Gdynia Maritime University, IAMU proceedings, Launceston 2004, p. 60-67.

5. Adam Przybylowski, 'Identification of internationally accepted standards of environmental management and quality assurance that should be incorporated into Maritime Safety Management System', IAMU, Kobe 2001, p. 129-133.


dr inż. Agnieszka Lazarowska
Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Automatyki Okrętowej 

Publikacje będące efektem projektu Research on New Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms for Ships (NOAA) realizowanego w ramach grantu IAMU (FY2018 IAMU YAS Research Project):

1. Lazarowska A., “Research On New Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms For Ships”, Proceedings of the 19th Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), Barcelona, Spain, October 17-19, (2018), pp 434–441.

2. Lazarowska A., “Verification of Ship's Trajectory Planning Algorithms Using Real Navigational Data”, TransNav - The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 13, No. 3, (2019), pp 559–564,

3. Lazarowska A., Discrete Artificial Potential Field Approach to Mobile Robot Path Planning”, Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicle (IAV 2019), Gdansk, Poland, July 3-5, IFAC-PapersOnLine, (2019), pp 277–282,

4. Lazarowska A., “Research on algorithms for autonomous navigation of ships”, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, (2019), pp 1–18,

5. Lazarowska A., “IAMU 2018 Research Project (No. YAS201801) Technology for Safer and Greener Shipping (Research on New Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms for Ships (NOAA))”, Tokyo, Japan, 2019, International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), ISBN: 978-4-907408-30-5.


dr inż. kpt. ż.w. Piotr Kopacz
Wydział Nawigacyjny, Katedra Nawigacji

  • Alexandria, Egipt, 2021

P. Kopacz, Towards Improving SAR Search Patterns by Time-Minimal Paths, Proceedings of the 21st Annual General Assembly (AGA 21) of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt, October 26-28, 2021, pp. 311-298

  • San Francisco, USA, 2008

P. Kopacz, On improper implementation of Formal Safety Assessment in practice, Common Seas, Common Shores: The New Maritime Community, Proceedings of the 9th Annual General Assembly (AGA - 7) of the International Association of Maritime Universities IAMU, California Maritime Academy, San Francisco, California USA, October 19-22, 2008, pp. 106-118

  • Dalian, Chiny, 2006

P. Kopacz, On notion of foundations of navigation in maritime education, Proceedings of Globalization and MET, 7th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China, October 16-18, 2006, pp. 311-298


Patrycja Boratyńska
Studentka Wydziału Nawigacyjnego 

  • Alexandria, Egipt 2021

P. Boratyńska, K. Malinowski, „Trends, New Technologies and Future Outlook”

Proceedings of the 21st Annual General Assembly (AGA 21) of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt, October 26-28, 2021

ISSN: 2706-6738 (Print)
ISSN: 2706-6746 (Electronic)

  • Batumi, Gruzja 2022

P. Boratyńska, W. Kołodziejak „Maritime Education and Training - Psychological Aspects in MET

22nd ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY International Association of Maritime Universities 19th - 22th October 2022, Batumi, Georgia

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