Maritime Transport


Academic Field: 

  • Navigation

Level of studies: 

  • 1st-Cycle (bachelor’s degree)

Mode and duration of study: 

  • Full-time / 7 semesters

Admissions period: 

  • June-September

The Maritime Transport degree programme at Gdynia Maritime University is rooted in more than 90 years of maritime education in Poland. The course is aimed at candidates with aspirations for a career in navigation. In particular, this 3-year programme provides a thorough grounding for ship operations engineers working within the maritime transport sector.

Graduates receive a ‘dyplom inżyniera’, the equivalent of a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree. The education and training provided comply with the standards set by the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping Convention (STCW).

Students will gain the skills and knowledge necessary for the roles of senior officer and ship captain. On completion of their studies, they will be certified as an officer in charge of a navigational watch on board merchant ships and eligible to perform officer and managerial roles in deck departments. Maritime Transport graduates may also choose to pursue a career based on land, with companies operating within the wider maritime economy.

As part of their degree, candidates will study the fundamental subjects necessary for future engineers, including mathematics, physics, computer science and automation. They will also explore more specialist subjects, such as astronavigation, commercial vessel operation, ship construction and stability, maritime communications, meteorology and oceanography, navigation, navigation equipment, and ship knowledge. 

Maritime Transport students at Gdynia Maritime University also develop their knowledge and practical skills beyond the classroom. An integral part of the degree programme is the seamanship training that takes place each year on board the University’s sail training ship, the “Dar Młodzieży”. For many of our students, the time spent at sea is an unforgettable experience and the highlight of their degree.

Admission to the degree programme requires a secondary school level leaving certificate and is on the basis of a points system.

The tuition fee is EUR 3,000 per semester.