
Information on admission to the Erasmus+ programme is published on the notice boards and the University's website every year at the end of January. Applications normally close at the end of February. Depending on the number of applications received, the University may choose to reopen admissions in October.

An application form should be obtained from the Faculty Coordinator / Erasmus+ Administrative Coordinator, or downloaded from the website, and submitted to the relevant Faculty Coordinator. All necessary attachments (e.g., a language certificate) should be included with the application.

The selection of students for the Erasmus+ Programme may be expected to take place no later than 4-5 weeks after the deadline for the submission of applications. The results of applications are available from the Faculty Coordinators.

The following should be completed before going abroad:

Language test for the relevant foreign language(s)

Students admitted to the programme must complete the language test by the deadline given. A similar test will be completed upon students' return.

From July 2022, the platform in which the language test is carried out will change. The new language platform aims to improve knowledge of 29 languages: English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Spanish, Irish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Maltese, German, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Hungarian, Italian, Icelandic, Macedonian, Norwegian, Serbian and Turkish;

The result of the test has no bearing on the student's admission to the programme but serves to measure improvement in language skills and determines those students who would benefit from additional language and culture courses via the online system.

Learning Agreement (LA)/Training Agreement (TA)

A Learning Agreement or Training Agreement is a document completed in collaboration with the Faculty Coordinator. The main content of this special agreement is a record of the subjects studied during a given semester at the student's home university and those the student will study abroad, or in the event of an internship or work experience - a description of the skills and competencies that the participant should acquire during their time abroad.

The LA/TA must be signed by the relevant faculty coordinator and sent to the host university. Only the signing of the LA/TA by a foreign university or a company accepting a student for an internship or work experience provides a guarantee of admittance to study or work abroad.

Along with the LA/TA, the application is sent to the partner university and other required attachments. All documents, signed as necessary, shall be created using the Dashboard Student platform: Home (learning-agreement. EU)

Registration of Stay

As of 1st May 2004, the obligation to hold visas for stays in the EU and the EEA (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) was abolished, regardless of the purpose and duration of the stay. However, for a stay of more than 3 months, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission. Certain countries require permission to be obtained before your stay.

The necessary conditions for the legalisation of a stay will be the University's confirmation of admission to the Erasmus+ programme, the possession of valid insurance, and proof of sufficient funds to support the student's stay (above the poverty line of the host country). The residence permit shall be issued for a period of up to 12 months and renewed for the following years of study.

Insurance and Healthcare

Each beneficiary of an Erasmus+ scholarship shall be required to document the right to benefit from health insurance within the EU. This is done by obtaining a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). It is also recommended that students purchase accident insurance cover for the duration of their trip and stay at the University. An application for an EHIC should be made before leaving the student's home country, and in Poland should be submitted to the National Health Service (NFZ) department in the student's place of residence. In some countries, the EHIC is presented directly when visiting a medical facility, and in others, you must register with an insurance provider, which will issue a certificate for the right to free medical assistance before visiting a doctor. Detailed information on the arrangements in individual countries is available on the National Health Fund website. In each of the EU and EEA countries, there are different rules for the provision of benefits. However, in a given country the patient is required to cover in part the cost of medical services (e.g., in Belgium, France, Germany or Sweden), Polish citizens are required to pay the amount outstanding and apply for it to be reimbursed on their return to the country. Polish citizens studying in a country of the European Union are entitled to use all the medical services provided to maintain their health throughout their studies. This means that only will they be able to get medical assistance in case of an emergency (as tourists), but will also receive treatment in case of chronic illness, or the need for consultations with specialist doctors, as well as any necessary periodic check-ups, at the expense of insurance providers.

For more information, please visit: National Health Fund  


The agreement between GMU and students studying or working abroad shall normally be signed up to two weeks before the scheduled date of departure. This document includes the University's and student's obligations relating to the conditions of departure, the date, the amount of funding and how it is paid, etc.

Accommodation and travel abroad

All Erasmus+ students are required to organise accommodation and purchase tickets for travel to their destination abroad.

Upon arrival abroad for the Erasmus+ Programme scholarship

Upon arrival at the host university, please report to the local office responsible for international cooperation, and the staff will inform you of the next steps. In some cases, a change in the previously agreed and signed Learning Agreement may be required. If this is the case, please contact your faculty coordinator via the Office for Cooperation with universities abroad and make adjustments using the Dashboard platform. The GMU Administrative Coordinator is available for contact at any time and students are advised to make use of this possibility when required. Students attending an internship/work experience are advised to contact the person designated upon arrival at the company premises.