Faculty of Electrical Engineering Team Awarded Polish Metrology II Funding

We are pleased to announce that a team from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering led by Dr Karol Listewnik has been named among 11 entities to be granted funding as part of the Polish Metrology II Programme. The programme, supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, is an initiative aimed at developing measurement infrastructure and strengthening Poland's position as a leader in the field of metrology.

The project, a continuation of the Polish Metrology Programme (1st edition) will be carried out by a consortium led by Gdynia Maritime University, and also including Gdansk University of Technology and the University of Gdansk.

The grant will allow for the further development of research and activities in connection with "Concept for the Construction of Metrology Infrastructure in Underwater Acoustics at the Central Office of Measures."

Administrative care will be provided by the GMU Technology Transfer Centre.

Congratulations to the team on their success!


Summary of the 1st edition of the programme at GMU: https://umg.edu.pl/en/news/2023/metrology-programme-project-draws-close

Providing entity: 

GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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