Management and Quality Science Staff Win “Best Special Session Award”

GMU staff members from the Faculty of Management and Quality Science have been awarded the Best Special Session Award for organising a special session at this year’s 13th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI 2021) which was held on the Greek island of Rhodes. The session, entitled “Cooperative Strategies for Decision Making and Optimisation”, was the work of Professor Piotr Jędrzejowicz, Professor Barbucha and Professor Ireneusz Czarnowski - the recipients of the award. This year’s edition of the international scientific conference took place in a hybrid format, with some presentations taking place online. In attendance from GMU at the conference in Rhodes was Professor Czarnowski, who led a session on “Data Mining and Machine Learning”.

The ICCCI Conference is currently ranked in category B of the international CORE rankings and has aspirations to be recognised as one of the most prestigious IT and technical computing and telecommunications conferences. The work included in materials presented at the Conference is set to gain 70 points within the Polish system of evaluation of scientific activity.

During the conference, the work of staff members of the Department of Information Systems was also presented. 

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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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